What can you expect from a partner healing week?
We start the week with a reading, to see where the both of you stand in your journey of life at this time. This is a similar reading to the 'current energy of your person' reading, only I will also look into the mirroring energies for you. (Trigger points).
Than we will do a full healing week for the both of you. I will need both of your pictures to do the healing sessions.
During this week we will stay in touch, as you will probably experience emotions, dreams or receive other signs that can be significant for the healing sessions.
After this week, we will do another reading for you. So that we can see what parts have been healed on both ends. To give you insight where you are standing after this week in your twin flame journey.
Of course I can't guarantee union after a healing week, as mostly there are different factors in every journey that prevent the union. And everyone will be on a different timeline in their journey as well. But everything you heal on a soul level, especially on both ends, will bring you a bit closer to alignment.
What you heal, won't be a trigger point anymore and this goes both ways. So this healing week can help with the release of karmic ties (as when the frequency rises, karmic energies will no longer align naturally). It can help with healing childhood wounds (commitment issues, abandonment issues, etc.)
So everyone will experience this week differently, depending on how far you have come so far on your twin flame journey. But this week will restore balance and will bring you closer to your true self (and therefore, closer to your other half and vice versa).