

Blossom Tarot Readings & Healings sabine@blossomtarot.com

Looking for a heart warming gift?

Think of a reading or healing as a special present!

The Year of the Rabbit feels like you are coming home to yourself this year! I have the feeling that you are leaving a lot of baggage behind you at this time and if you went through some storms recently, you are finding your way forward again in life. It is beautiful to see that this year, you will make yourself the first priority! As it is beautiful to have a very giving nature, but when you are always ‘over-giving’ your energy starts to loose some of that power and soulshine that you naturally have inside of you. So to embrace yourself, to be kind to yourself, to reclaim your balance and to fill your own cups first, will be a very important game changer for you this year!

Another thing that you will manage this year, is to let go of your fears. And I can almost hear you thinking, I am not living in fear! But feeling insecure, wondering too much about ‘Can I do this..? Can I pull that off…? It is truly fear based thinking.. And this year, it is time to look at yourself with compassion, with trust, with faith and that will re-direct you in your willpower, to manifest the things you desire in your life! I AM THAT I AM! And you will learn to love the YOU that you ARE!

As this year you will be stepping in that beautiful compassion, looking at yourself from a place of love. Accepting your life lessons, accepting your life experiences, but only to guide you forward. As I am feeling that you will release everything that has prevented you from doing the things that you love, as when you truly start to believe that you can achieve the things you want in life, without any hesitation, that is where the magic happens! Spirit is showing that you will find your personal unicorn this year and it feels like you are going to embrace the treasure within. Finding your spark, so that you can shine all day!

And with honoring your true soul path, staying true to yourself this year, you will start noticing that the energy around you is also going to change. So within, so without! And it gives me the feeling that when you walk further into this year, you will start seeing one opportunity after another rising up in front of you, as I have the feeling that by finding your deepest and purest inner light again, everyone loves to be around you to get a glimpse of your soulshine!

So the more you look at yourself with love, with compassion and the more you can embrace the wildness within you, as your driving passion, the more you will flourish into the direction of your dreams!

I am also sensing a lot of ‘new’ energies coming this year. Meeting new people, going new places and trying new things. So the things you have been postponing, due to circumstances, or due to insecurities, you are going to rise above that. As I am seeing you stepping up the ladder this year, circling upwards!

So the year of the Rabbit feels as the beginning of being gentle to yourself! Never tame a wild heart! As it is the wilderness inside of you that creates the passion for life! Embrace your uniqueness and love every single bit of what you are! As this is the perfect year to embrace all that you are and to achieve all that you wish and desire! So make yourself that first priority and keep going upwards from this day on, the universe has your back so it is safe for you to fly!!

