

Blossom Tarot Readings & Healings sabine@blossomtarot.com

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What can you do to invite more positivity and abundance in your life?

There is a lot written about things that invite positivity and abundance in your life, but maybe this article can be a nice reminder to attract more abundance and positive energy in your home and your life!

  • Declutter your life & your home
  • Surround yourself with high vibrational people that bring a little spark in your days
  • Declutter your home, by removing broken things, things that no longer fit you (clothes), get the trash out, put things in place.
  • Finish the tasks that you were postponing way too long
  • If you are delaying things, you are sending out the energy that you are not in a rush to receive the things you are longing for, so postponing things can create energetic blockages in life
  • Make sure your doorway and hall are free from obstacles, so that you can invite the good things in!
  • Go outside when you have the chance, recharge your energy in nature!
  • Fresh air, being in nature has a wonderful way of uplifting your energy. And the higher you vibe in life, the better you will attract, so within, so without!
  • Do things for yourself that make you smile! Fun is the ultimate creator of positive energy!
  • Eat food that is good for body, mind and soul. Eat things that you truly like and make the effort for yourself to make sure you enjoy what you are eating and drinking. Selflove is sending out a wonderful sign to the universe that you deserve the best!
  • Wear vibrant colors and dress up for yourself! Take the effort to wear things that make you feel good, it will change your vibe of the day!
  • Change your bed sheets, you sleep better in fresh sheets and it will help you to start your day refreshed after a good night rest
  • Make sure that you open the doors and windows every day to invite new energy into every room of your home
  • Burn candles and incense that give you a positive and warm feeling
  • Surround yourself with crystals to raise the frequency around you
  • Listen to high vibrational music. The frequency of sounds, can change your vibration in a heartbeat!
  • Get yourself some Sun Catchers! The happy rainbow colors dancing through your room invite in positive energy
  • Surround yourself with plants and living things. It changes the vibration in your home
  • Surround yourself with colors in your home that make you feel good. (And get rid of things that give you a negative vibe)
  • Oranges and mandarins are well known for inviting in abundance in your life. So it is amazing fruit to invite in more abundance in your life.
    • You can take a bowl and slice 2 oranges daily and place them somewhere with the intention that the fresh, happy fruit will invite abundance in your life
  • Water your plants! Make sure your plants look vibrant, take away the death leaves daily, as taking care of your living plants is very important. The way you take of your plants, shows the universe how you take care of yourself. So just like giving all the love to your pets, make sure you put the same energy into your plants and.. Yourself!!
  • A nice money tip is, where do you keep your money? Is your wallet in one piece? Think of this as the way you treat money & how money will treat you! In a broken and bruised wallet, the feng shui tells us that your money can easily slip away in your life
  • The most important thing to invite abundance in your life is SELFLOVE & TRUST! You have to believe it, to achieve it! So realize your worth and act accordantly and let life flow for you!

