

Blossom Tarot Readings & Healings sabine@blossomtarot.com

Looking for a heart warming gift?

Think of a reading or healing as a special present!

Twin flames: it is the Sun, the pure radiant energy of source that connects Twin flames in this lifetime,and nothing can ever separate you from your other half. The Twin Flame journey is truly not for weak souls, as you will face many challenges before you can find alignment in life. The strong 5D connection,  that shows up through dreams, music, thoughts, emotional sensations and in many other ways, can only be understood by souls that are sharing the same experiences as you. It can be a lonely feeling if you are not supported by your environment. But, trust the magic of your twin flame journey! Because only true spiritual warriors will be able to lift them self to high frequencies, while going through deep spiritual lessons and karmic cycles. You are MEANT for GREAT things in this life, and therefore your journey may take longer, but ascending the mountain, will lead you to incredible destinations! Your twin flame is your partner in body, mind and soul and will always, always gravitate back to you, no matter how far they wander off.. distance is an illusion, as you are always one! ❤️

