

Blossom Tarot Readings & Healings sabine@blossomtarot.com

Looking for a heart warming gift?

Think of a reading or healing as a special present!

As an empath you might be very sensitive to energies that are effecting you in a negative way. This can come from different sources and there are a few nice and simple tips to protect your energy and your home (or workspace).

Some are well known, but maybe you pick something new up 😊

  • Cleanse your crystals daily when you sense the energy feels heavy around you (also the ones you wear as a pendant or bracelet)
  • Sage daily
  • Use high frequency sound music in your home to lift the vibration in the room
  • Clean your home, wash your windows and use ammonia for the windows and floors (it is a very powerful energy cleanser).
  • Cleaning is one of the most underestimated ways to clean energy in a space. When you realize that everything is energy, the importance will make a lot of sense. Think of it as person visits your home and leaves footprints in the hallway after walking in the rain. You can see the footprints and will clean it naturally. But the thing is, even if you are not seeing the footsteps, the energy of that person is truly there. So if you had a visitor that brought some heavy energy to your home, it can be truly effective to clean your home, as it will feel lighter right away. I think a lot of people like the feeling ‘after cleaning the home’, but do not realize, it is also because the energy truly is feeling lighter!  
  • Get yourself plants that are natural air filters, it helps you to transform energies
  • Scrub your body frequently, it is a great energy field cleaner
  • Are there items in your home that give you a negative vibe? Let them go. Remember, everything is energy! A gift that is given with love, will raise the vibration. But remind yourself that intentions, are also energy. So things that bring back bad memories, items that are not given with a nice intention, hold that energy as well. So that item that you already replaced 5 times and ended in the back of a drawer? That might not be the right item to keep lingering around your home. Also things that are broken, dead plants, clothes that will never fit again (or you bought but will never wear), are all forms of energy blocks.
  • In your bedroom: If you are having negative dreams or sense negative energy in your bedroom. Place crystals next to your bed that bring protection and raise the energy. Place clear crystal for your window (it is also a very good protector against entities). Get a dreamcatcher and place a bowl next to your bed with a sliced lemon, covered with salt. (This will absorb all forms of negative energies and outside influences).

Are you not sure about the energy in your home and you wish to check it?

  • Place a glass plat water on your table. When it looks ‘sparkling’ after a while, there is way too much energy in the room. Open the doors, the windows, sage and transform the energy to feel ‘lighter’!
  • Take a glass and fill it with half water, half vinegar and 2 spoons of salt. Place the glass in a corner (you can do this in different rooms) let it rest for 24 hours. If the salt stays at the bottom, the energy is good. If the salt came to the surface after 24 hours, you can repeat this simple ritual. The salt will absorb also the energy.



Ros •10 Jan 2023
Very nice and interesting content, thank you!
Rose •10 Jan 2023
That’s so useful and interesting, thank you! :)