

Blossom Tarot Readings & Healings sabine@blossomtarot.com

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The Year of the Snake 2025

We are about to enter the Year of the Snake! And like every year, we tab in the collective energy on what to expect from this year! This year, it is a great year to release anything that is not serving you anymore, to live your best life! And you will be fully supported by the Divine Universe to guide you through these changes. As spirit will highlight anything or anyone, that has been draining your energy, was lowering your frequency or kept you from living the high life! So even when this year starts with releasing situations, old habits, and situations that are not serving your highest good, this will all soon make sense as you will see rapid positive changes right after this! So when you notice that some cycles in your life are ending, know that it is spirits guidance to create space for wonderful new things, exciting new opportunities, collaborations that are meaningful and uplifting! It is also a year that is a good year for families. Whether this is the connection to your blood relatives, or finding your true soul family in life. It is a year of open communication, honest communication that comes from the heart. So anything that is not in alignment with that, is going to be released this year. It is also a perfect year to find the perfect work/ life balance, as you will easily maintain your self-care, while working on your dreams and goals this year! So the beginning of this year, might still feel a bit like finding this beautiful balance and harmony, as there might be changes happening to bring you in perfect alignment to your wish fulfillment! 

But you will rapidly see that everything starts falling into place for you, as you will be meeting the right people, there can be family matters that will be resolved this year, and you can truly achieve amazing goals connected to your abundance in life! As spirit is guiding you to shine! To live joyfully, with an open heart! Spirit is moving you into the direction of your dreams, where you feel energized, and inspired to use your creative powers to manifest all your goals for life! It is time for you to sparkle and shine! To feel joyful, happy and surrounded with loving and supportive people. It is also a beautiful year for love, as when you find balance within yourself, and you are living on a high frequency, you are in perfect alignment with the universe to manifest in love, life and prosperity and abundance! It is also a year where things will be bearing fruit for you, that you may have been planting seeds for, for years! So if you have been feeling that things were not growing, flowing and bringing you the desired rewards in life, the Year of the Snake will be the game changer for you and filled with wonderful surprises, blessings and miracles from the universe! 

So the key words for the Year of the snake, are balance, harmony, uplifting relationships with family (or soul family), a great year to find love or to renew an existing committed relationship. A year of positive changes, joy, following your bliss and dreams, seeing rewards of seeds you have planted in the previous years, A year of creative inspiration that might even lead to something totally new! So this year, you could also be inspiring or teaching others, or bring a brand new idea on the market that could flourish in greatness! A very inspiring year, where you will truly shine on all area’s of your life, as spirit is guiding you to higher ground! Expect things to truly work out for you, better then expected, as this year the universe will have some beautiful unexpected surprises for you! So embrace the changes that are happening, as this is your path to lead you towards your wish fulfillment in life! 

