

Blossom Tarot Readings & Healings sabine@blossomtarot.com

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Children of the Sun.. Rise...! Rise..! Rise...!

I am Merlin and I am calling upon all my Children of the Sun! This is a time to claim your full authenticy, your full power and to step into your ancient wisdom of Avalon! My Children of the Sun the time has come for all the Rainbow warriors to unite, to stand tall and to protect the higher frequencies of this Earth! You have gain your wisdom, your life experiences. You have learned, you have crawled and you have grown. We have been preparing you for many, many years in this life and before to train you, to empower you and to bring your full strenght and power to the surface. It is now time my children that you embrace all your knowledge and that you take place in the creation of the New Earth! My Rainbow Wariors, My Children of the Sun, you can now use your power, your inner light and your true brightness to sparkle upon all the darkness and lower vibrations of this Earth. You are now ready, ready to step into your full potential, to show this world the radiant and magicial light being that you are. You are here my child to use your rays of light to shine over the shadows in this world, to shine and sparkle and bring healing to this world. Use your inner magic my beauitul children.. we have been training you for so many lifetimes, we gave you so many trials, all meant to grow into your full potential. Life was never given to harm you, to make you struggle, but it was through your struggles that you found your power, that you learned who you are and that helped you realize that you are a chosen one. A warrior of the light. This world needs you and this world needs your light, your protection, your pure soul that shines the light from the heart! Only the pure ones are now called upon, to fulfill your destiny. To finally use your greatness, your uniqueness and your wisdom to create miracles on this Earth. You my child, are ready and the time is right. The time has come to give you one last initiation to use your magic for this world in ways that have not been walked before! You will be given one last initiation of power, of wisdom to create a big wave of golden light for this world.. it is coming and it is meant to be done! Children of the Sun, rise..! Rise..! Rise..! And accept my gift of initation for the magic that will help you to create a new path in life. One that has not been walked before.. to open doors that others could not see.. Some people are meant to follow the paved paths and others are there to create new ones, to do the impossible, to raise the frequency of the Earth! During this last initation for my Children of the Sun, you will be safe, protected and guided towards the door that you are supposed to walk through, the door that leads to new destiny's, the door that allows you to do remarkable things for humanity. It is time to shine your light upon the shadows of this world.. to step in your full potential, to acknowledge who you are! I AM MERLIN. And I am waking up all my Children of the Sun to join me on my mission to bring in new knowledge, wisdom and love from the Highest Order to humanity. The time is right, my warriars of light are now ready to fulfill their destiny and new pathways will be created. Miraculous things are about to open new doors for you, miraculous opportunties will now arive. As this is all part of guiding you, to fulfill your destiny. You are ready my Children of the Sun, you can now Rise...! And after this last initation that you will receive, no lower frequency can hold you back anymore.. it is time to Rise..! You have learned, grown and taken all your lessons in many lifetimes. And you proven your integrity, your pureness of heart and soul. And this new pathway that YOU are about to create with my guidence, is a pathway to shed light into this world. Accept my gifts my children! And be the most authtentic and pure version of yourself, so that your magic can be fully used for the light that this world needs! I AM MERLIN and I am opening the gates to creation, to new pathways and to move you into a new way of being. The gates are open my Children.. NOW WALK THROUGH AND WALK FORWARD! Embrace your destiny! And fulfill your purpose by creating miracles! It is time! Rise... My children.. Rise..!

Was signed, Merlin

